
The Voice of God

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And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep; that the LORD called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. —1 Samuel 3:3, 4

There had been no direct message from God to the Israelites for some time. Neither dreams nor visits from heavenly messengers had taken place as the nation had sunk to a spiritual low. Samuel was now twelve years of age. Eli was an obese old man with failing eyesight. The high priest had come to rely upon the young lad for assistance in his old age.

“Another warning was to be given to Eli’s house. God could not communicate with the high priest and his sons; their sins, like a thick cloud, had shut out the presence of His Holy Spirit. But in the midst of evil the child Samuel remained true to Heaven, and the message of condemnation to the house of Eli was Samuel’s commission as a prophet of the Most High.” In the silence of the dimly lit tabernacle, “ ‘the Lord called Samuel.’ Supposing the voice to be that of Eli, the child hastened to the bedside of the priest, saying, ‘Here am I; for thou calledst me.’ The answer was, ‘I called not, my son; lie down again.’ Three times Samuel was called, and thrice he responded in like manner. And then Eli was convinced that the mysterious call was the voice of God. . . . “No feeling of envy or jealousy was awakened in Eli’s heart. He directed Samuel to answer, if again called, ‘Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth.’ Once more the voice was heard, and the child answered, ‘Speak; for Thy servant heareth.’ So awed was he at the thought that the great God should speak to him that he could not remember the exact words which Eli bade him say.” Samuel was frightened by the message of doom pronounced on Eli and his sons.

As God had not told him to convey the message, he remained in silent turmoil all that morning. God waited until He found a leader true to His calling.

He never leaves us in the dark!

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