
History Repeats Itself

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And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. —1 Samuel 8:3

It is amazing how many biblical families were dysfunctional! The list begins with the death of Abel at the hands of his brother Cain. Abraham had issues with his two wives and their sons. Jacob and Esau fought over a birthright. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery.

We have seen what Eli’s indulgence did to his two sons and what their evil influence did to Israel. David’s family was riddled with incest, murder, deceit, and rebellion.

Biblical stories were written for our admonition.

Family relationships might just be the most difficult challenge facing humankind. As Samuel aged, he took on his sons, Joel and Abiah, as assistants.

“While Samuel continued the duties of his office at Ramah, the young men were stationed at Beersheba, to administer justice among the people near the southern border of the land. “It was with the full assent of the nation that Samuel had appointed his sons to office, but they did not prove themselves worthy of their father’s choice. The Lord had, through Moses, given special directions to His people that the rulers of Israel should judge righteously, deal justly with the widow and the fatherless, and receive no bribes. But the sons of Samuel ‘turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment.’ The sons of the prophet had not heeded the precepts which he had sought to impress upon their minds. They had not copied the pure, unselfish life of their father. The warning given to Eli had not exerted the influence upon the mind of Samuel that it should have done. He had been to some extent too indulgent with his sons, and the result was apparent in their character and life.” Samuel realized his two sons, Joel (Jehovah is God) and Abiah (Jehovah is my father), were failing their test of character.

Separation from God took away their moral compass.

The principles Samuel had tried to instill were no match for their inflated pride of position. That they were representing their earthly father and his reputation made little impact on their actions. That they were representing God as judges of His people likewise never crossed their minds. Honoring one’s parents also means preserving the family name and reputation.

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