
David Arrives in Camp

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And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle. —1 Samuel 17:20

David was at home, tending his father’s flocks, while his three eldest brothers—Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah—were with Saul’s army at Elah.

The scene of the standoff, being only fifteen miles from Bethlehem, was certainly not hidden from their father, Jesse. “The fact that during this time the Philistines had made no attempt to outflank the army of Israel implies that since their disastrous defeat at Michmash the Philistines had not been strong enough for a full-scale attack. They were now relying on intimidation and the possibility of victory through single combat.” “By his father’s direction he [David] was to carry a message and a gift to his elder brothers and to learn if they were still in safety and health. But, unknown to Jesse, the youthful shepherd had been entrusted with a higher mission. The armies of Israel were in peril, and David had been directed by an angel to save his people.” David therefore rose early and probably took what shortcuts he knew to reach the Valley of Elah by late morning. He took with him some corn and ten loaves of bread.

He also took ten cheeses as a gift for the commander.

This gift might guarantee the commander’s goodwill in the placement of his brothers during battle. “David ran to the army, and came and saluted his brothers. While he was talking with them, Goliath, the champion of the Philistines, came forth, and with insulting language defied Israel and challenged them to provide a man from their ranks who would meet him in single combat. He repeated his challenge, and when David saw that all Israel were filled with fear, and learned that the Philistine’s defiance was hurled at them day after day, without arousing a champion to silence the boaster, his spirit was stirred within him. He was fired with zeal to preserve the honor of the living God and the credit of His people.” God calls for courageous men and women to defend truth today.

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