
Trust Brings Victory!

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And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines. —1 Samuel 17:52

How astonishing! A mere boy had defeated Goliath.

To all appearances, the boy possessed no discernible armor.

He carried no real weapons.

From a distance, it looked as though he were unarmed.

He was not trained in warfare, being too young to have fought in previous conflicts. And as to his strategy—why it was no strategy at all! He just walked toward Goliath, shouted, “I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied” (1 Samuel 17:45), and slew him with a shepherd’s sling.

With the sudden realization that the tables had been turned, the Israelites rushed forward. “The Philistines were smitten with terror, and the confusion which ensued resulted in a precipitate retreat. The shouts of the triumphant Hebrews echoed along the summits of the mountains, as they rushed after their fleeing enemies.” The once proud Philistines scattered. The wounded were ignored as the survivors fled for safety.

What a turn of events! Where the future had looked dark and foreboding for Israel, now a great victory had been won. Israel had simply forgotten that God has solutions to “giant” problems. It is all too easy for Christians to make that same mistake.

“Some are always fearing, and borrowing trouble. Every day they are surrounded with the tokens of God’s love; every day they are enjoying the bounties of His providence; but they overlook these present blessings. . . . “. . . We should not allow the perplexities and worries of everyday life to fret the mind and cloud the brow. . . . “. . . Cast your care upon God, and remain calm and cheerful. . . . Do all you can on your part to bring about favorable results. Jesus has promised His aid, but not apart from our effort.” “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118:8). A humble heart and trust in the Lord will give you victory over your “giant” problems.

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