
To Soothe a Troubled Soul

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And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him. —1 Samuel 16:23

From the time Samuel departed Saul’s presence, never to return (1 Samuel 15:35), Saul had no peace of mind. He knew he had been forsaken by God for his actions and his lack of willingness to conscientiously obey the Lord. He knew the kingdom would be removed violently from his family and the throne given to another more deserving (v. 28).

Future disaster was certain. Thus, he became mentally and physically tense. He constantly watched for signs of a successor. He believed his associates might harbor an assassin. While he had a premonition David might be the chosen one, he was not without some doubt, for the lad expressed no interest in gaining power and seemed utterly loyal.

Saul “had recently proved powerless before the Philistines, and had it not been for the courageous exploit of this shepherd lad he might have lost his own life. Yet, he resented the thought that this lad whom he had honored and associated closely with himself might be winning away from him the affections of the people and the army as well. . . . Saul again gave way to feelings of discontent and evil surmisings until his jealous mind finally became deranged.” Saul was able to fool his courtiers by exhibiting sham holiness, but it was all a frenzied act. “The monarch of Israel was opposing his will to the will of the Infinite One. Saul had not learned, while ruling the kingdom of Israel, that he should rule his own spirit. He allowed his impulses to control his judgment, until he was plunged into a fury of passion. He had paroxysms of rage, when he was ready to take the life of any who dared oppose his will. From this frenzy he would pass into a state of despondency and self-contempt, and remorse would take possession of his soul.” The music of David seemed to still the bipolar mind of Saul. He enjoyed the brief periods of peace that these interludes brought to his troubled mind. Music still has power.

Some music soothes and calms the mind, and some intensifies evil thoughts and passions. What does your choice of music say about you?

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