
Praise for the Warriors

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And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. —1 Samuel 18:7

Saul’s initial friendship with David soon turned to envy.

“The demon of jealousy entered the heart of the king. He was angry because David was exalted above himself in the song of the women of Israel. In place of subduing these envious feelings, he displayed the weakness of his character, and exclaimed, ‘They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom?’ “One great defect in the character of Saul was his love of approbation. This trait had had a controlling influence over his actions and thoughts; everything was marked by his desire for praise and self-exaltation. His standard of right and wrong was the low standard of popular applause. No man is safe who lives that he may please men, and does not seek first for the approbation of God. . . . “. . . It was envy that made Saul miserable and put the humble subject of his throne in jeopardy. What untold mischief has this evil trait of character worked in our world! . . . Envy is the offspring of pride, and if it is entertained in the heart, it will lead to hatred, and eventually to revenge and murder. Satan displayed his own character in exciting the fury of Saul against him who had never done him harm.” David had been placed in the court of Saul for two reasons. As already mentioned, he was exposed to the administration of a government and met the key individuals who imparted to him knowledge of how to govern.

He was also positioned to be a positive influence on Saul.

Saul had chosen to follow his own path, and his character flaws had deepened, yet God had not forsaken him. “Through David’s ministry, the Lord was appealing to the hardened heart of Saul, inviting him to return and realize the healing power of God in his behalf. Though Saul had irretrievably disqualified himself as king, he might yet find salvation as an individual.” When we are tempted, a pathway is always provided for escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).

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