
Saul Attacks His Own

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And Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David. —1 Samuel 20:33

The king sat down on the first day of the feast with Abner by his one hand and an empty seat reserved for David on the other.

Thinking perhaps David was delayed for cause, he said nothing.

On the second day, turning to Jonathan, Saul asked after David.

Jonathan replied that David had requested that he might observe the festival and sacrifice with his family in Bethlehem. To this, Jonathan had given consent.

Saul was enraged. Hurling insults at Jonathan and his mother, Saul publicly accused Jonathan of choosing David’s friendship over loyalty to the throne.

Taking up his spear, Saul threw it at his own son! Jonathan had felt David was wrong in his evaluation of Saul’s attitude toward him.

Now that Saul’s anger was directed at him, he knew otherwise.

“The experience was a shocking disillusionment for Jonathan. The open break with his father was most painful to him. His decision to cast his lot with the ‘son of Jesse’ was being tested, but he refused to swerve from the right. Like Moses, who turned his back upon the throne of Egypt, Jonathan chose ‘rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season’ (Heb. 11:25). He knew by experience the truth Christ later spoke, ‘He that loveth father . . . more than me is not worthy of me’ (Matt. 10:37).” “Jonathan chose of his own free will to affiliate himself with the house that God had indicated would replace the decadent family into which he had been born. In Jonathan’s heart God’s plan took precedence over family ties. This was not because of his desire for personal safety, but because he understood that truth must finally triumph.” Jonathan’s approach to life did not mirror that of his father.

He realized God had a planned destiny for David, and he refused to forsake him in order to gain the throne for himself. His life shines forth as an example for all who put God first in their lives. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).

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