Psalm 142 was written in an unnamed cave.
It was probably composed during this difficult time in the life of David.
As such, it fits well with Psalms 27 and 42.
This psalm is yet another appeal for deliverance from overwhelming odds.
David knows God is aware of his predicament.
He wants to share his deepest concerns with his closest Friend.
God seems to be his only Friend. David can pour out his heart to no one else and be assured the listening one is truly interested in his plight (v. 4).
Wherever David looks, trouble lurks. “There are times when the spirit is wrapped in perplexity and distraught by false accusations. Under the stress of emotion the intellectual powers of good judgment are often confused, and the soul knows not which way to turn. At such a time one can open the heart to God and place full confidence in His overruling providence. Then the life will be filled with the bounties of the Lord, and the depression and consternation that formerly harassed the soul depart.” Spies lurk everywhere. It is not safe to visit Bethlehem.
Saul is actively hunting David and has undoubtedly placed a bounty on his head.
Even venturing forth to obtain food from the surrounding sympathetic villages is dangerous, for anyone might turn him in for a reward. He can trust no one.
Yet the Lord is his refuge (v. 5). In the depths of despair, not knowing who to trust, David is surprisingly optimistic. He can still sing praises to his God (v. 7).
He has loyal men around him. His family is safe.
“Though the present may be difficult and the future foreboding, the psalmist looks forward with confidence to the time of his deliverance.” “Under His wings I am safely abiding; / Though the night deepens and tempests are wild, / Still I can trust Him; / I know He will keep me; / He has redeemed me, and I am His child.”