
Psalm 52: I Will Testify

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I will praise thee for ever, because thou hast done it: and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints. —Psalm 52:9

It was after hearing of Doeg’s deed that David wrote the [fifty-second psalm]. . . . He stood amazed that any man could set himself up in arrogant antagonism to God’s plan instead of resting upon the Lord’s eternal mercy. By a tongue sharp as a razor Doeg had sown deceit and calamity to such an extent that he became the very personification of fraud and evil. But the day was coming when he would reap that which he had sown.” Psalm 52 “denounces the unscrupulous talebearer, or mischief-maker, who trusts in his wealth rather than in righteousness. The psalmist is firm in the knowledge that such a one shall be plucked up, but that the righteous may rest secure under the protection of God.” God’s goodness will overshadow and triumph over those who prolong evil (v. 1). We are responsible for the words we speak.

The Bible repeatedly counsels we should control our words and shun evil communication (Psalms 12:3; 55:9; 78:36; 109:2). “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! . . . But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:5, 8).

Those who spread rumors, gossip, assassinate another’s character, lie to create dissension, gain pleasure from destroying others, or live for intrigue will meet those same words one day and be found guilty of perpetuating evil in the world (Psalm 52:2–6).

Money and power were more important to Doeg than truth and honor (v. 7). He had confidence in his ability to advance in position and increase in wealth. David, however, placed his trust in the Lord. Because God spared David’s life, despite the treachery of Doeg (v. 9), David vowed to praise God by publicly sharing his testimony. By sharing a personal example of God’s deliverance from evil, David hoped to strengthen other believers.

Sharing a story of God’s protection might just encourage others to rely upon the Almighty as they struggle against evil. Do not be reluctant to praise God in public for His goodness to you!

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