
A Reckless Race

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And there were three sons of Zeruiah there, Joab, and Abishai, and Asahel: and Asahel was as light of foot as a wild roe. —2 Samuel 2:18

The battle had gone badly for the forces of Abner, and he fled the scene. Asahel, Joab’s brother, saw Abner leave and quickly decided to pursue him.

“Abner was the backbone of the resistance against David. If he could be put out of the contest, the cause of Ish-bosheth would collapse, and the entire kingdom would quickly be united under David. Understanding this, Asahel persistently kept on the heels of Israel’s commander in chief. “. . . Recognizing that the foe who was pursuing him was the brother of Joab, Abner was unwilling to injure him and urged that he turn aside and content himself with some meaner antagonist. Though light of foot (v. 18), Asahel was no match for a probably more robust and seasoned warrior.” “And Abner said to him, Turn thee aside to thy right hand or to thy left, and lay thee hold on one of the young men, and take thee his armour. But Asahel would not turn aside from following of him” (2 Samuel 2:21).

Again Abner warned Asahel to desist from following him, or he would have no choice but to slay him. Nevertheless, Asahel refused to give up the chase (v. 22).

Seeing Asahel would not turn aside, Abner stopped, turned, and stabbed his pursuer in the abdomen with the sharpened back end of his spear.

The force of Asahel’s forward motion drove the spear through his body and out his back. Such a wound would eventually be fatal but not immediately.

While Abner continued on his way, those of Joab’s warriors who had lagged behind Asahel came up and found him mortally wounded.

This only served to further enrage the pursuers, and they redoubled their efforts to catch Abner and the fleeing forces of their enemy.

Asahel had been warned twice to cease the chase, but he recklessly refused. Why? His death could only serve to deepen the feud between Joab and Abner.

How many times are we warned against danger yet continue on our reckless course toward disaster? Why?

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