
A Sound in the Mulberry Trees

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And when David enquired of the LORD, he said, Thou shalt not go up; but fetch a compass behind them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees. —2 Samuel 5:23

The Philistines were not deterred by their defeat in the Valley of Rephaim.

Reinforced, they again came against David and camped in the same valley with a larger force than before. David inquired of the Lord whether he should again attack.

This time the Lord gave a different answer.

David was told to circle behind their forces and attack from the rear.

“Sometimes those who have asked for divine aid are instructed simply to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord (see Ex. 14:13, 14; 2 Kings 19:7, 32, 35). At other times deliverance comes through God’s directing and blessing human effort. There is no manifestation of a lack of faith in one who, after presenting a petition to God, does all in his power to bring about its fulfillment.” David was to wait for a signal from God before attacking.

There would be a rustling in the tops of the trees as the armies of heaven marched ahead of Israel into battle. “In the work of the Lord we must do our part. Those who sit idly by, expecting the Lord to act while they do nothing, unless the Lord has so directed, must expect defeat. God gave the word that David and his people were to bestir themselves, and promised that then He would go before them to smite the hosts of the Philistines. God’s promises, then and now, are conditional. When we do our part God will do His. “. . . The secret of David’s success was simple; he did precisely what God instructed him to do. When man puts his will above God’s will he invites defeat. We will not always understand the reasons for God’s commands, nor is this always necessary. All we are expected to do is to trust and obey.” God once again used nature to turn the tide of battle. This time He used the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry (balsam) trees to signal the Israelite army to advance to another victory! Listen for the “sound in the balsams,” then advance to victory!

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