
Six Paces

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And it was so, that when they that bare the ark of the LORD had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings. —2 Samuel 6:13

David had learned another valuable lesson concerning the exactness of obedience to the dictates of the Lord. That which was holy was not to be approached by sinful humanity in a casual manner. “At the end of three months he resolved to make another attempt to remove the ark, and he now gave earnest heed to carry out in every particular the directions of the Lord. Again the chief men of the nation were summoned, and a vast assemblage gathered about the dwelling place of the Gittite. With reverent care the ark was now placed upon the shoulders of men of divine appointment, the multitude fell into line, and with trembling hearts the vast procession again set forth. After advancing six paces the trumpet sounded a halt. By David’s direction sacrifices of ‘oxen and fatlings’ were to be offered. Rejoicing now took the place of trembling and terror. The king had laid aside his royal robes and had attired himself in a plain linen ephod. . . . In this holy service he would take his place as, before God, on an equality with his subjects. Upon that day Jehovah was to be adored. He was to be the sole object of reverence.” The six paces taken by the priests carrying the ark were a test of the methodology being used to transport the ark for a second time. When no sign of God’s displeasure was shown, a thanksgiving sacrifice was offered. Those initial six steps were no doubt taken very slowly and with some trepidation by those who carried the ark. Coming into the presence of the Lord, who is holy and sinless, is not to be taken lightly. Reverence before God is expected. Moses learned the lesson of reverence when he approached the burning bush. Realizing he was in God’s presence, he covered his face.

“And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground” (Exodus 3:4, 5). How respectful and reverential are the worshipers in your church as they approach God?

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