
Psalm 92: The Righteous Shall Flourish

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The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. —Psalm 92:12

Psalm 92 celebrates “the destruction of evil and the triumph and happiness of God’s faithful children. The psalm was inspired by the poet’s communion with the Creator on the Sabbath day and his observation of God’s power in nature. . . . On the Sabbath it is well that we turn our eyes from the perplexing questions of this world to the eternal world, where we shall be above all doubt and perplexity.” Those who take no time to contemplate the wonders of creation are foolish. They cannot grasp the designs of the Creator.

The larger picture of the great controversy between Christ and Satan is lost upon them. It is good to praise the Lord. Morning and evening worship are wonderful times to come away and study God’s Word. Worship in music is especially appropriate.

Often in the psalms, David asks the question, Why does it seem like sinners prosper and go unpunished? “The problem that disturbed Job (Job 21:7–21) and that appears so often in the Psalms (see Ps. 73:2–15) does not disturb the author of this psalm. It is stated and immediately solved in the realization that the destruction of the wicked follows their triumph (see Ps. 73:18–20). Destruction is the natural and inevitable result of wickedness [Psalm 92:7–9].” David knows God will preserve him, and he will witness the destruction of his enemies at the hand of God. “The palm tree (v. 12) well represents the life of a Christian. It stands upright amid the burning desert sand, and dies not; for it draws its sustenance from the springs of life beneath the surface.” Even in old age and retirement, Christians may continue to bear fruit (v. 14).

They should be happy, energetic, fit, and useful because God keeps His promise to provide for their needs, for He is upright and righteous (v. 15).

“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, / When sorrows like sea billows roll— / Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, / It is well, it is well with my soul.”

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