As we begin another new year, let us take a minute to think about what we would like to see happen this year. January not only marks the start of a new year but also is my birthday month. God promises new beginnings every morning.
He is the One who wakes us each day with life and health.
Never has good health held more meaning than during these past years when COVID-19 has gripped our world. We have family and friends who have been laid to rest while others continue to suffer from long-term illnesses that will lead to death unless God intervenes. Our most pressing prayers are for God to heal them for eternity, even though we would like them healed here on earth. But we need to trust that God sees the big picture.
He says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8), so we need to learn to think differently. I believe God wants each of us to think differently during this new year as we read His Word prayerfully, focusing on the words as if reading them for the first time. God has inspired musical artists to write wonderful hymns, psalms, and gospel songs that share the good news of our Savior. Some are pure praise to God for what He has done and continues to do in our lives. Still, others talk of our walk with Him and His saving power.
Spend time lifting your voice to Him each day.
May this be the year we become more involved in the many ministries already in place in our churches. Or you might be impressed to begin one where you see a need in your church or community. Pray for direction from God.
There are many mission ministries that reach people where you and I will never go, like ADRA, Adventist World Radio, HOPE TV, or 3ABN.
Choose one or more to support financially this year.
“Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life” (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20, NIV). May we each be blessed as we think differently and determine to begin a deeper relationship with our Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ.
Louise Howlett Driver