
Hide God’s Word in Your Heart

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Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. —Psalm 119:105, KJV

Several years ago, our pastor preached a sermon about the crucifixion of Jesus. At the end of his sermon, he suggested we each read Matthew 27 every morning.

I thought, What a wonderful idea, and determined I would do exactly that.

Not long after I had begun to include Matthew 27 to my morning worship, the Pathfinders led out in the church service. They had been preparing for the upcoming Pathfinder camporee by memorizing several whole chapters in the Bible, and they had studied hard to be able to answer any question on those chapters. I felt impressed.

These are just children, I thought. I wondered whether I would be able to the same. The very next morning, I started to memorize Matthew 27.

Guess what? It took a while, but I did it! Once I had memorized it, I had to decide which chapter to learn next. Our Sabbath School teacher mentioned his favorite chapter in the Bible was Psalm 18, so I began to learn that chapter.

While it was interesting, after a while it dawned on me it was not my favorite chapter. I decided to memorize Psalm 51, which includes my favorite verse, Psalm 51:10. Again, it took a while, but I did it. Next, I made a list of what I thought were the most important chapters for me to learn. I knew the three angels’ messages but could not recite that passage, so Revelation 14 came next. The Beatitudes followed, then more psalms, a chapter each from Luke, Romans, Philippians, and Colossians. Next, I memorized several more psalms, 1 Corinthians, and several other choices I had written on my list. What a joy it has been to recite all I have memorized—almost every day. I ask God each morning before I start to give me wisdom and to help me remember my special chapters. If you are interested in learning the holy Scriptures, I encourage you to start tomorrow with Matthew 27 and then make a list of your own favorite chapters and begin. Do not get discouraged if it takes longer than you expected.

Do not give up. I am an eighty-two-year-old woman and enjoy working on memorizing and reciting God’s Word every morning as I get ready for my day.

By the time I finish, I feel refreshed and can sense my Savior walking with me through the day.

Avonda White-Krause

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