
Turn Off the Volume, Turn on the Light!

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Hear, O my people, and I will speak . . . : I am God, even thy God. —Psalm 50:7, KJV

In our everyday life, we often need to know God’s opinion, especially when it comes to making important decisions. It is not always easy to distinguish God’s voice among so many other loud noises around us, and we might often ask, “How can I find out His will?” Walking with Jesus each day involves following His ways—but how can we know His way so that we do not doubt? Choosing a new school for your children is an important challenge, one that makes any parent seek to know God’s choice. As my family moved into a totally new environment, we had to find a new school for our sons. The youngest had just finished middle school, and the oldest was in the last year of high school. The city we moved to had an Adventist school, which was not only our first option but also the best one for a good Christian education.

Unfortunately, it did not offer classes for our oldest son, which meant we had to find another school for him to attend. The challenge lay in the fact that the two schools were located in the opposite direction from each other, and they were far apart, which would make it impossible for the boys to go to school together. Having just moved to a new country with a language we had yet to learn made taking the children to separate schools each morning practically impossible. We could barely think of taking our younger son out of the Adventist school, but we could not see another solution. We searched for answers on our knees in prayer, asking God for special guidance. We decided to fast while praying for a solution.

The next morning, the verse in our devotional read, “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil” (John 17:15, KJV).

Being “in the world” is not always our choice, but if God keeps our children from evil, they are always safe—anywhere they are! It was all we could ask for! Sometimes, we try to find God’s will in complicated ways, while His Word is always at hand and so easy to follow. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105, KJV).

Let us turn down the volume of all the distractions around us and turn on the Light of His Word to guide us through the darkness of the unknown.

I am so grateful for the verse from our morning devotional that spoke to our hearts and pointed the way forward!

Elida Oncea

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