
A Clear Reminder

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But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. —Hebrews 11:6, KJV

I love to walk—morning or afternoon walks are my favorite.

I have turned most of my walks into prayer walks.

I pray for my family near and far, for their prayer requests, and for my own. Prayer walks have become my favorite time to reflect on Scripture, things happening in my life, changes I would like to see happen in my life, and where God wants me to be.

If I am not praying on my walk, I catch up on listening to sermons, seminars, or a book. On one of my routine walks, I petitioned the Lord for His help in bringing success to my son as he represented his high school at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) competition at the state level. My specific request was for God to show my son He loves him and that he would place first and be selected to move on to the national level.

My son has discovered his passion for business.

He was well prepared by his high school coach and excited to compete in order to demonstrate his career skills. The morning of the event, we prayed, and I reminded him to depend on God for help through prayer. We claimed the promise, “My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2, KJV).

Recently, I was reminded that our petitions should not be presented to God to prove whether He will fulfill His Word. Rather, God will fulfill our petitions because He loves us. This came as a clear reminder that God responds to us in love, whether He grants our requests or not. I remembered my prayers for my son as he participated in the BPA competition.

A preferable prayer request would have been for God to help my son increase his faith in God. As it turned out, God was preparing His answer even before I prayed.

Ultimately my son successfully competed and entered the BPA competition at the national level. There was so much excitement in his voice as he shared the good news.

It made my heart glad when he added, “Thank You, God.” My son shared with the family that it had not been as difficult as he had thought, and now he is excited to move on to nationals in Florida. Dear Lord, may I remember Your love—regardless of how You answer my prayers.

Margo Peterson

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