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LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. —Psalm 8:1, NIV

It was still morning, and my stress had already reached its peak.

My head hurt from some candy I had eaten the day before, disregarding medical recommendations. To detoxify my body from the sugar I had ingested, I decided to go to a supermarket near my house to buy some fruit.

When I left, I noticed a fine rain was falling softly, but I decided not to take an umbrella. I finished my shopping, and as I turned to walk home, I noticed the rain was a little heavier, though still mild. My kids had used the car to go to a Pathfinder meeting.

The bags were heavy and hurt my fingers. I felt helpless.

Everything felt too difficult, and I muttered in dissatisfaction and complained, with myself and with God, about the whole situation.

But the Holy Spirit, our wonderful Counselor, rebuked my evil thoughts and opened my eyes. I realized my ingratitude toward the Lord.

There were so many blessings, I could hardly count them all.

I thought about the purchases I had made.

God had given me a job, and from it, I received the resources to obtain food. How many were crying for food today? I thanked God we had a car to take our children to Pathfinders, which, without a doubt, is a great ministry that has contributed to their education, helping develop their characters. This magnificent ministry of the church welcomed us and guided our children in the ways of the Lord. How grateful I am for this! The fine rain reminded me of the Eden I never knew, but Jesus has promised to take me there.

My eyes filled with tears, and my spirit filled with gratitude at the goodness of the Lord. I understood anew that Jesus walks with me, so my burden is light.

An atmosphere of reverence surrounded me, and before I knew it, I was already at the gate of our house. The house we had just paid off the month before after a twenty-year mortgage. When we meditate on God’s goodness, we lack words to give thanks adequately.

God showers us with blessings. In the presence of Jesus, my heart rejoices.

It is His love for me that makes eternal life possible.

On that morning of fine rain, I realized that despite the struggles, I can live in a heavenly atmosphere while still here in this world.

Thank you, my Lord!

Sueli da Silva Pereira

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