
God’s Pathways System?

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. —Proverbs 3:5, 6, NKJV

I had just enjoyed brunch with a friend who is involved in fighting child trafficking in Idaho, United States. As I drove away, I punched into my GPS the address of another organization I hoped to interest in the cause by sharing the last two copies of my book, They Called Us Baby. While I hope the true story of rescue and rehabilitation will help prevent the scourge of this modern-day slavery, my real passion is to share preventative resources with others in my community. After driving down the road a couple of miles, my GPS alerted me that I needed to turn left in 200 feet and then do a U-turn. Annoyed that it had not directed me two miles before, I carefully watched my map and turned left into a large parking lot.

Muttering under my breath, I realized my mistake and began a three-point turn maneuver with my car. Pausing briefly to regain my bearings, I found myself staring directly at the Idaho Youth Ranch Counseling headquarters. This ministry operates thrift shops to fund working ranches and mentorship programs for the vulnerable youth population in my home state. I had shopped in their stores before but had never noticed their office—nor would I have if not for my malfunctioning GPS. Swiftly, I snatched a copy of my book from the back seat of my car, dropped it off with one of the clinicians in the establishment, and said a prayer, hoping this resource I had developed would accomplish some good there.

As I returned to my car and pulled onto the exit, I anticipated the right turn the GPS had told me to make earlier and waited for the signal to direct me.

I waited and waited, but no right turn instructions came.

Instead, the system indicated I had been on the correct route all along—before being redirected! Broken technology or providential guidance? I believe God has a ministry pathway for every one of us. He can even use what we think are failures to His glory.

If you are following God’s Pathways System, you may find yourself unexpectedly looking into new opportunities. You can trust the way He leads.

He is the best GPS!

Wendy Williams

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