
Healed by God’s Power

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“For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the LORD. —Jeremiah 30:17, NKJV Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” —Mark 9:23, NKJV

One December, several years ago, my family was excited to visit our relatives back home in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for Christmas break.

We packed our luggage, our tickets were issued, and finally, the day came. We flew from Nairobi, Kenya, to Lubumbashi, DRC, and then to Kamina, our final destination in the DRC. The DRC’s presidential elections were scheduled to take place that same month, and my husband was one of the electoral commission’s leaders for the Haut-Lomami Province.

That was a very busy period for him as he supervised and made sure all voting stations and the staff were ready for the big day. On the evening of the third day before the election, my husband complained of discomfort and tenderness on his right foot.

In less than four hours, the pain became unbearable, the swelling increased, and blisters started to appear. He could not bear any weight on the foot.

My husband and I took him to the hospital because the situation was rapidly worsening. Assessment and imaging tests were done, but the results were inconclusive. We were very fearful. The next morning, something really weird occurred.

The blisters began to burst, releasing a thick, bloody fluid.

My children, some of our extended family members, the medical staff, and I were all stunned to see it happen. The pain intensified, and my husband became progressively weak and fainted. As the situation worsened, he was transferred to a wound center in Kinshasa, the capital city of the DRC. Five wound specialists performed a delicate surgery that lasted five hours. There was so much damaged tissue that after the debridement, we could see his bones in some areas. There were times I asked God why this was happening, but I plunged deeper into prayer. My family and I fasted often, seeking God’s healing.

Two months later, the muscle tissue had regenerated, and the doctors did a skin graft that worked wonderfully. We serve a living God who does miracles far above our imaginations.

After four months in the hospital and prayers from everywhere, my husband is healed and able to walk.

Praise to the Lord!

Debbie Maloba

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