
A Heart Full of Song

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I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. —Psalm 104:33, NIV

Some suggest that when God created the world, He sang it all into existence. Music was already being sung in heaven, so it seems logical that God would give it to Adam and Eve. There is always a song running through my mind. I’ve been told to keep a song in my heart and a prayer on my lips. Many songs are like prayers. We read in Hebrews 13:15, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name” (NIV). Of course we can choose what type of song we keep in our minds.

In my younger years, I was a big country and western music fan.

But in time, I realized the songs were depressing and rarely uplifting.

King David wrote many beautiful songs of praise.

The prophet Isaiah wrote scripture songs.

When music is put to scripture, I learn it much better.

So spend some time in the Bible looking for words of praise.

You will find them everywhere—even in Revelation.

Some Christians choose to arrive at church after the singing, coming only for the sermon. But worship is more than preaching.

It is praising the Lord with music and giving our offerings.

The whole service should be an atmosphere of worship and coordinated to a theme, when possible. Now does this mean we are saved by a song or a feeling? No, but it certainly can open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. When songs are sung with conviction and not just as a ritual, we are blessed. Church music has been a debate for years.

Some hymn writers experienced pushback because church members did not want a “human” writing church music. Lamentations 3:41 says, “Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven” (NIV). Many are reluctant to lift their hands in church, but it’s so biblical. It is like saying, “Amen, I agree with what is being said in the words of this song.” In paintings of the Lord’s second coming, artists often portray the awaiting people with their hands raised.

Why wait until then to raise our hands? We want God to come into our hearts now. Think about it.

Louise Howlett Driver

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