
The Cloud

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Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. —1 Thessalonians 4:17, KJV

I am thankful Christ has given us plenty of advance notice concerning His soon return. My company is constantly updating and upgrading processes that have to do with how we work. I applaud them for their efficiency in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and setting up more than 155,000 employees from around the world to work remotely.

I believe that event caused many companies to start using cloud storage technology. In December, I received an email letting me know, warning me, that my personal drive on the company server would be moving to Microsoft OneDrive—to the cloud.

It stated there was nothing I would need to do for the migration to take place. It also warned that once it was done, I would no longer be able to save to my personal drive. After fifteen days, all my files would be deleted—along with my personal drive.

I read the email, made a mental note of it, and even discussed it with my boss as late as February of the next year. But I made no plans to transfer my files, and I did not begin to use OneDrive. On March 1, panic set in. I went to save a document, and my personal drive had disappeared! No warning, except for the email sent in December, and no fifteen-day countdown. Nothing! I looked in OneDrive and discovered that the migration had taken place on January 11, but where was all my work from January 11 to February 28? Fortunately, and thankfully, I put in an IT ticket, and another migration was set up along with the restoration of my personal drive—in read-only mode—so I could compare and ensure that all my files and folders were current and saved in OneDrive. It was a stressed-filled morning that ended well.

I was so grateful! Thank You, Jesus. Lord, thank You for Your Word, the Bible, along with the Spirit of Prophecy. You have given us many signs, warnings, of Your return.

Unlike the one and only email I received, each day, You remind us that You will return soon—in the clouds (smile)—and take us to our heavenly home.

Angèle Peterson

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