If I should die today, what would they say about me? This has been a recurring question at different stages of my journey. The thought is more overwhelming when I attend funerals and memorial services. I have heard the tearful comments of loved ones and friends relating the impactful stories of the deceased on their lives.
But I have also heard stories of regret, shame, and anger.
Deep regret is often expressed with the words, “I wish I had one more moment, one more day, to make things right!” All of us have lost loved ones and acquaintances and have experienced varying emotions. Some of us wish we had taken the time to say that last kind word. We wish we could take back that last look of disdain.
We wish we had reached out that loving hand to give a gentle touch, given that warm smile, or had just been there to support, to comfort, and to cheer.
We wish we had said that last “I love you!” The Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God. Scripture calls David a man after God’s own heart and identifies Abraham as a friend of God. In Hebrews 11, many names are mentioned, including Rahab, Sarah, Jephthah, Samson, and Gideon. “All these, having obtained a good testimony through faith . . .” (Hebrews 11:39, NKJV). If we had been giving the tributes and eulogy about them, what would we have said? So when the time comes, what will they say about me? Would I be included in that faith chapter? Is my life currently reflecting the beauty of Christ’s presence? Are the nine segments of the fruit of the Spirit reflected in my everyday life? The most important question to ask is this: What will He say about me in the final analysis? What will He say about each of us? Will it be “Well done” or “I know you not”? In the end, it is what God says that really counts!
Sonia Kennedy-Brown