
David in Saul’s Service

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And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved him greatly; and he became his armourbearer. —1 Samuel 16:21

David now entered the service of Saul. “In the providence of God, David was thus brought into a situation where he would have contact with the leading men of the nation—who might thus learn to appreciate his talents—and with the affairs of government. . . . “. . . Even Saul came to honor and respect the naturally attractive personality of David, and to esteem in him those qualities implanted there by the Holy Spirit.” As Saul’s armor-bearer, David became, for all intents and purposes, his bodyguard. Serving Saul could not have been easy.

Saul’s periods of melancholy were interspersed with those of mania, making him unpredictable. “Saul at times realized his own unfitness for the government of Israel, and he felt that the kingdom would be more secure if there could be connected with him one who received instruction from the Lord. Saul hoped also that his connection with David would be a safeguard to himself. Since David was favored and shielded by the Lord, his presence might be a protection to Saul when he went out with him to war.” David was, in effect, looked upon as a good-luck talisman by Saul. “Like Moses in the courts of Pharaoh, David received training in administrative affairs that was to stand him in good stead in years to come. He was placed in a position where he could see life from all its varied angles, and was given spiritual insight that he might distinguish between right and wrong. Like Daniel, David maintained his integrity in an environment not of his own choosing; nor did he fear contamination. God does not hesitate to place His servants in the very vortex of human selfishness, knowing that the darker the night, the brighter their light will shine forth. David, who had been a dutiful son in the house of his father, Jesse, now proved his worth as a loyal ambassador for the king.” Integrity is vital in any Christian’s battle against evil influences.

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