
David Cares for His Parents

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And David went thence to Mizpeh of Moab: and he said unto the king of Moab, Let my father and my mother, I pray thee, come forth, and be with you, till I know what God will do for me. —1 Samuel 22:3

Many had joined David in his mountain refuge.

“And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him” (1 Samuel 22:2).

David knew Saul might even use his parents as hostages to lure him from his hiding place. “David’s anxiety was not all for himself, although he realized his peril. He thought of his father and mother, and he concluded that he must seek another refuge for them. He went to the king of Moab, and the Lord put it into the heart of the monarch to courteously grant to the beloved parents of David an asylum in Mizpeh, and they were not disturbed, even in the midst of the enemies of Israel. From this history, we may all learn precious lessons of filial love.” The kingdom of Moab lay east of the Dead Sea. Watchtowers (Mizpeh) had been placed upon the mountains of Moab. These hillside fortresses were within sight of each other so they might communicate. This defensive line was constructed partly to keep the armies of Israel from attacking.

“Saul had warred against Moab after coming to the throne (1 Sam. 14:47). Therefore anyone outlawed by Saul would find refuge in that country. Also, David may have been influenced by the fact that Ruth, his great-grandmother was a Moabitess.” “The experience through which David was passing was not unnecessary or fruitless. God was giving him a course of discipline to fit him to become a wise general as well as a just and merciful king. With his band of fugitives he was gaining a preparation to take up the work that Saul, because of his murderous passion and blind indiscretion, was becoming wholly unfitted to do. Men cannot depart from the counsel of God and still retain that calmness and wisdom which will enable them to act with justice and discretion.” In the midst of his own troubles, David’s thoughts unselfishly turned to the safety of his parents. Thinking of others leaves less time to dwell on one’s own problems.

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