
David Lacks Faith

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And David said in his heart, I shall now perish one day by the hand of Saul: there is nothing better for me than that I should speedily escape into the land of the Philistines. —1 Samuel 27:1

In spite of all David had done for his own countrymen, they manifested but little sympathy for him now that he was in disfavor with the king.

The men of Keilah would have turned him over to Saul ([1 Samuel] 23:1–13). The Ziphites twice informed Saul of his hiding place ([1 Samuel] 23:19; 26:1), and Nabal proved as unfriendly as Doeg had been ([1 Samuel] 25:10, 11). Twice he had extended the hand of mercy to the jealously insane tyrant who openly sought his life ([1 Samuel] 24:6–11; 26:8–12).

From the very people who should have shown him every courtesy he had received only censure and ingratitude, and his life among them had been one continuous nightmare.

Living on short rations in caves and forests, in deserts and on mountain crags, he had been treated as an outlaw.” David became discouraged.

He again sought refuge with Achish, the king of Gath.

“David’s conclusion that Saul would certainly accomplish his murderous purpose was formed without the counsel of God. . . . David looked on appearances, and not at the promises of God. He doubted that he would ever come to the throne. Long trials had wearied his faith and exhausted his patience. “The Lord did not send David for protection to the Philistines, the most bitter foes of Israel. This very nation would be among his worst enemies to the last, and yet he had fled to them for help in his time of need.” David continued to worship God, but instead of trusting in God’s ability to protect him, he now placed his faith in an earthly king.

Achish was glad to welcome David and his men into his land and promised them protection.

“At David’s request for a residence in the country, removed from the royal city, the king graciously granted Ziklag as a possession.” “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

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