When difficulties arose, David resorted to prayer.
It is the privilege of all Christians to pray for clarification to understand the ways of the Lord (Psalm 25:4). Sometimes it is difficult to understand God’s leading.
Frequently what we perceive as truth is not God’s truth (v. 5).
As God only wants the best for us, we would do well to humbly pray He might light our path forward. Remembering how God has led us in the past brings peace when present difficulties arise. Looking back on the sins of youth, we often regret our foolish adolescent acts. So it was with David (v. 7). In retrospect, God always uses these stumbling youthful escapades as means to teach us His way (v. 8). God may correct and admonish us, but He never forsakes us. If we are humble and teachable, He will guide us into better ways (v. 10).
“Humility is the first rung of the ladder of Christian growth (see Matt. 18:3).” For those who honor God, He will do great things (Psalm 25:12).
“God will so teach him that he will choose the right way. Man is not an automaton. He has the power of choice. But when a man fears God, his power of choice is exercised in the right direction: he chooses God’s way.” Though the path may be difficult, we are never alone (v. 13). We have a Friend in Jesus! “God does not keep us out of the snare, if we willfully seek to become entangled, but He promises to deliver and save us.” But it is difficult for the proud and arrogant to ask for help. “Blessed are the meek [humble]: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5). David’s enemies were many, and they hated him (Psalm 25:19).
David prayed that the Lord would not allow his enemies to triumph.
He had no problem asking for help (v. 20).
David closed this song with a prayer for all of Israel because his subjects were struggling through the same issues he was facing (v. 22).
“Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom, / Lead Thou me on; / The night is dark, and I am far from home; / Lead Thou me on.”