David knew he was in no position to withstand an assault while he had women and children to consider. His personal bodyguards were elite fighters, but against the numbers they would face, the outcome would be in doubt.
He lacked supplies and arms with which to conduct a battle.
The best option—in fact, the only option—was to stage a skillful retreat and live to fight another day. Crossing a rapid river in the dead of night was no small undertaking.
We are not told whether barges were at their crossing point.
If not, swimming in the darkness would be their only option.
Crossing with any baggage during the dead of night would be problematic.
Yet David did not hesitate to act! He immediately ordered the company to cross the Jordan. Once on the eastern shore, he had to move quickly into a defensive position.
With that location reached and barricaded, only then could he and his party rest until dawn, but they must keep moving. “That very night they were again on their way, crossing the Jordan and placing a barrier of water between themselves and the forces of Absalom.” David’s implicit trust in the Lord for deliverance during this ordeal is found in Psalm 3.
“David and all his company—warriors and statesmen, old men and youth, the women and the little children—in the darkness of night crossed the deep and swift-flowing river. ‘By the morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone over Jordan.’ “David and his forces fell back to Mahanaim. . . . This was a strongly fortified city, surrounded by a mountainous district favorable for retreat in case of war. The country was well-provisioned, and the people were friendly to the cause of David. Here many adherents joined him, while wealthy tribesmen brought abundant gifts of provision, and other needed supplies. “Hushai’s counsel had achieved its object, gaining for David opportunity for escape; but the rash and impetuous prince could not be long restrained, and he soon set out in pursuit of his father.” Man’s difficulties are God’s opportunities!