The theme of Ps. 139 is God’s omniscience and omnipresence.
The psalmist recognizes God as present everywhere, One who is not only all-powerful, but also all-knowing. . . . The first section (vs. 1–6) dwells upon the omniscience of God; the second (vs. 7–12), on His omnipresence. The third (vs. 13–18) gives the reason for the profound conviction of these truths of which the poet’s heart is full.
In the last strophe [stanza] (vs. 19–24) the psalmist changes his theme and expresses his dislike for wicked men. He then closes with a prayer that his own heart may be right with God, and that he may be led by Him in the way everlasting.” God searches each heart and knows the soul’s condition (Jeremiah 17:10). He understands hidden motives and deep-seated emotions better than we know ourselves (Psalm 139:1–3).
Even before words are formed to express thoughts, God knows what we will say (v. 4). He reads our very minds. It is impossible to escape His presence (v. 5).
How He does this is beyond our understanding (v. 6).
David does not want to escape God’s presence but rather wants to express the idea that His spirit is felt everywhere in His vast creation (v. 7).
No matter how high or low we might go, God is there (v. 8).
The deepest sea cannot hide us from God’s presence (v. 9).
Darkness may hide the acts of men, but God’s sight pierces the darkness.
For Him, all is seen, even in the darkest night, as if it were a bright day (vv. 11, 12). Man cannot hide from God. God knew us before we were born (vv. 13–16).
“As an architect draws out his plan and prepares his specifications for a new dwelling, so God plans what each individual will be, even before that soul is born into the world. It is for the individual to decide whether he will follow the divine blueprint or not. . . . “. . . Only God, who knows our inmost thoughts, can lead us safely. We all need an infallible Guide.” “Creatures that borrow life from Thee / Are subject to Thy care; / There’s not a place where we can flee / But God is present there.”