
Breathe In, Breathe Out—God Is in Control

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But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” —1 Samuel 16:7, NKJV

I am a prison chaplain. After I visited with an inmate, she expressed her need for a pair of slippers. From the details she gave of her story, I understood she was indigent.

Being new to this ministry, I wondered how to get the slippers to her.

I learned the protocol, but my first attempt to deliver the slippers was met with this response: “It’s the weekend. Come back during the week.” On my second attempt, the officer stated that the person in charge was on lunch break. Breathe in.

Breathe out, I told myself. God, what do You want to teach me? Am I about to do something wrong? No? So why can’t I get through? Just be patient, My child.

The following week, I arrived early and gave my identification and authorization. I stated my desire to give a pair of slippers to an inmate. An officer came to me with a document and asked, “Are you from the conference?” What is he talking about? I wondered.

He can’t be speaking about the Seventh-day Adventist Conference, surely! He’s full of tattoos! “The conference?” I responded. “Yes, the Seventh-day Adventist Conference.” Shocked, I responded positively. He looked at me and stated, “I am a former SDA. Do not worry; I will help you out.” OK, God, I understand the lesson! You will use whomever You want, when You want, and how You want in order to accomplish Your will.

My daughter, stop trying to choose how I should solve your problems.

We easily judge Samuel for assuming Jesse’s eldest should be king based on his appearance. But God disregarded appearances and focused instead on the heart.

Here I had focused on tattoos, forgetting that God has His children everywhere. Let us not focus on appearances. God will choose whom He will use.

Let us not miss the blessings God has prepared beforehand.

Nahomie Daubé

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