
Edward’s Ear Problem

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Before they call I will answer, while they are yet speaking I will hear. —Isaiah 65:24, NRSV

Edward’s ear hurt. He felt sure that a piece of his hearing aid had broken off and fallen into his ear. He went to an urgent care facility to see if they could help. But the doctor who examined him said she could not see anything inside his ear.

She wrote out a prescription for something to relieve the pain.

However, Edward could still feel something in his ear, and the pain did not go away. The next day, his brother Richard, along with his wife and sister, went to visit him.

They knew about Edward’s earache, and after driving about two miles, Richard, who was a physician, felt impressed to go back home and bring his medical bag so he could check Edward’s ear. They had a nice visit with Edward and his family, and just before leaving, Richard pulled out his medical bag and checked Edward’s ear with his otoscope.

He saw that there was something in the ear.

He assured Edward that he would make an appointment for him to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist that very Monday.

Edward did get an appointment, and sure enough, the ENT doctor confirmed that there was something in the ear. When it was removed, they found it was a small piece of Edward’s hearing aid. How relieved he was to finally have it removed.

How amazing that God takes care of His children in such wonderful and mysterious ways. Not only was Richard impressed to visit his brother when he did, but he also remembered to take his medical bag to check out Edward’s ear.

Providentially, he was also able to make an appointment with an ENT specialist the very next week. Even though Edward had been checked at the urgent care clinic, he still was suffering from the earache. It would have become a lot worse if Richard had not been able to check on him and confirm the cause of the earache.

Do you see God’s loving care and providence in this experience? His promises are sure and available to all who will believe and trust in His Word.

Stella Thomas

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