I enjoy singing. I first sang in public with my dad when I was four.
As I sang with my father, I stood on a chair provided for me.
I have learned music is an integral part of heaven! In fact, our text for today lets us know God sings! In church services, I have been challenged by those who are seated nearby when they let me know I am singing too loudly! I have often responded, “I am preparing for the time of trouble when there will be no accompaniment.” Now if someone were to speak to me about my hymn singing, I would have to say, “This is the dress rehearsal.” Allow me to explain. In Revelation, John writes, “And they sang a new song [of glorious redemption]” (Revelation 5:9, AMP). It seems to me that to be included in that number that no man can number (see Revelation 7:9), there will be a song to sing that tells the story of “how I got over,” as the old Negro spiritual says. Ellen White writes, “Angels are looking forward with earnest expectation to the final triumph of the people of God, when seraphim and cherubim and the ‘ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands’ shall swell the anthems of the blessed and celebrate the triumphs of the mediatorial achievements in the recovery of man.” But even the angels will stop to listen to the song we will sing! They can only listen—for they did not struggle and overcome by the blood of the Lamb in a world of sin! It will be a loud, joyous sound! Can you imagine more people than you can number expressing their delight at their new location—singing! For those who are uncomfortable with loud sounds at worship—this is the dress rehearsal! Maybe this is what the psalmist envisioned in Psalm 150 when he wrote of dancing, cymbals, trumpets, strings, and drums! The next time you are in a worship service and the leader asks you to stand and sing the congregational hymn, remember you are practicing for the day when the angels will be silent, for they will be listening to our song of rejoicing! So, sing loudly! This is the dress rehearsal, my friends. Are you ready to sing?
Wilma Kirk-Lee