
Our Final Move

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Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. —Philippians 3:13, NKJV

What is one thing most people dread? Mine is moving.

I do not especially like the sorting and throwing away nor the packing—but the stress and pressure of deadlines? Now that triggers fear in me.

I love being organized, with everything in place.

I pride myself on knowing where something is in my house so well that I can find it in the dark. The disorganization of moving does not fit anywhere on my list.

Early in my married life, our moves were closer together.

We loved the adventure of traveling to a new location and job and enjoyed the change. But, as my husband and I have gotten older, we rather love the sameness of staying put.

The familiar has become our friend, and we get a little spoiled with having a daily routine. Not too long ago, my husband retired, and my elderly father, who lived next door to us, passed away. A move seemed to be inevitable.

Our most recent move involved selling our house, purchasing one in another state, packing, and making many trips to haul various household goods to the new location.

For this move, we had plenty of notice, so packing was done at a leisurely pace for months. All in all, things went smoothly without a lot of stress.

But leaving one house is only half of every story that involves moving.

Now we are at our new place, and after weeks of stumbling around looking for things in boxes, with lots of disorganization around us as we remodeled the house and upgraded appliances, it finally feels like home at last.

We are comfortable and enjoying life on a farm with plenty of land.

With a new church family less than a mile from our house, our retirement workplace close by, and a son and daughter-in-law nearby, we feel very blessed.

As I contemplate moving, getting rid of things, and setting up a new home, I think about preparing for eternal life and my heavenly home.

There is no packing or taking of items with me to heaven.

My character is the only treasured possession I can take.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus, I long for my final move—to my forever home!

Valerie Hamel Morikone

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