
You Were Born to Make an Impact!

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“For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.” —Matthew 25:14, 15, ESV

I stood before the ladies of the Kizingo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mombasa, Kenya. We had just finished a powerful Week of Prayer, which was now ending in a prayer breakfast. After seven presentations focused on how individuals can practically deepen their relationship with God, it was time to empower the women.

One by one, the ladies stood to share concerns they had related to taking their rightful place and doing what God had called them to do.

Some were not courageous enough to stand and share, so they sat and sheepishly aired some concerns. Two ladies struck me, though.

One was a seventeen-year-old back home on vacation from studying in India. She was brave, strong, and courageous and had no fear of sharing what could have been deemed offensive to others. “I am disappointed in how some of you who have position and responsibilities carry them out as if you were afraid to give it your best. As a young woman looking on, I am discouraged and do not feel I can make a difference because you older ladies shy away.” The room filled with an air of silent anticipation. The other lady, a Muslim visitor, stood up and began to share her observations and concerns in the local Swahili language as someone translated. Even though I received her words secondhand, I could not miss her passion.

Through the trembling in her voice and the tears in her eyes, her message was riveting. She, too, shared how concerned she was for Christian women because it appeared that they were not living more intentionally to make an impact and shine for the Lord.

At that very moment, God laid on my heart what to share with the ladies.

I am sharing it with you now. One day, each of us will give an account to God as to why we did not do what He called us to do. We cannot use our husbands, the church, the government, policies, glass ceilings, or the community as the reason for not being obedient.

Why? Because we were born to make a God-given impact! We will give an account of it one day—so go on—make your impact and change the world!

Nadine A. Joseph-Collins

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