
The Waiting Room

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But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31, KJV

Awaiting room is an area in which people sit or stand while they wait their turn for an appointment. I have spent many hours in waiting rooms at hospitals and doctors’ offices throughout my life. Waiting rooms are interesting places to be in, and there is often a whole range of emotions to navigate while waiting.

Some emotions I have experienced include fear, excitement, anxiety, frustration, hope, and occasionally, peace. At times, fear and anxiety overwhelmed me as I anticipated a dreadful diagnosis, times when a pregnancy brought excitement and hope.

I am sure you can think of a waiting room experience that brought on the emotion of frustration—at the length of time you had to wait, frustration with the medical personnel, or frustration with the huge financial responsibility you would soon be facing.

Life can sometimes seem like a waiting room.

We feel as though we are in a space of anticipating what God might do next and how He will fix the damaged circumstances of our lives.

Sometimes we wait with anxiety, trepidation, and even impatience.

But I would like to challenge you today to wait with patience and humility.

Our heavenly Father sees, hears, and knows the exact details of the circumstances we face, and He is resolving our situations for our earthly and, more importantly, our eternal good. I am currently in a waiting room season of life and have been tempted to grow impatient.

But recently, a quiet message was implanted in my mind—to patiently wait on God to meet my needs. A great sense of peace came to my heart after receiving that message.

Isaiah encourages us to wait on God and reminds us that He will strengthen us when we are weary. That is good news! My dear sister, as you contemplate the trials of this life and wonder how and when God will deliver you from them, remember to patiently wait on God because He will bring you deliverance at the appointed time.

Let us wait patiently on the Lord together.

Taniesha K. Robertson-Brown

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