One blustery Sabbath, I arrived home from church with nothing planned for the afternoon. Usually, I either stay for the fellowship meal, have guests over for lunch, visit friends, or go for a walk. But on this particular Sabbath, I had no plans.
After arriving home, my husband and I ate lunch. I called a church friend and decided to read my Adventist Frontier Missions magazine that had arrived earlier that week.
After reading for a while, my eyes grew heavy, so I decided to take a short nap.
A couple hours later, I awoke when my husband came home from running an errand. Needless to say, with the longer-than-planned-for nap, sleep eluded me when I went to bed for the night. I tossed and turned for a couple hours. I wonder if you have also experienced those nights when Satan works overtime trying to discourage you and rock the boat.
Finally, I had enough of his tormenting thoughts and decided to get up and continue reading the magazine. I found an article entitled “Jesus Stands” that described my situation perfectly. It described the disciples on the Sea of Galilee fighting a fierce storm while Jesus remained sound asleep. It went on to mention others in God’s Word who also faced dark nights: Joseph, Job, Daniel, and Elijah. The author encouraged readers facing difficult situations to imagine Jesus standing in the boat with us and to remember His command to the storms, “Peace, be still.” These words touched my heart so powerfully that I wept uncontrollably.
I visualized my God and Savior standing up and commanding the unseen evil one to cease harassing His daughter. Dropping to my knees, I thanked Him for His mercy and love. Arising with a sense of peace that only He can give, I returned to bed and slept soundly for the remainder of the night. I began the new day with hymns of praise, singing “Shelter in the Time of Storm,” “I Need Thee Every Hour,” and “Standing on the Promises.” Ladies, praise God! No matter the storms we face, how discouraging the thoughts we are tormented with, or how dark the night—Jesus is always standing for us. He is ready to calm the storm and speak peace into our hearts and minds. Praise God!
Kathy Hull