
The Desire of My Heart

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May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. —Psalm 20:4, NIV

Psalm 20:4 sounds like a good blessing.

I have more than enough desires, and it would be great if they all came true. What are your heart’s desires? Depending on your age and life situation, these can vary greatly. But is this what is meant here? Remember Solomon’s life story? He had just become king after a nasty succession dispute in David’s family. Solomon faced high expectations.

Then, one night, he had a dream in which God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you” (1 Kings 3:5, NIV). God saw Solomon’s situation and graciously revealed Himself to him. Solomon’s response to God’s question is interesting.

He does not desire wealth, honor, or the death of his enemies, which would have been understandable in his situation. In verse 7 we read, “Now, LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties” (NIV).

We have here a very personal conversation between Solomon and God.

Solomon admitted how inexperienced he was in a very honest and humble way. He was aware of his inadequacy. Then Solomon made his request: “Give me a heart that listens so that I can judge your people and tell the difference between good and evil” (verse 9, GW).

Solomon desired a listening and discerning heart, a heart in tune with the will of God. Only in this way could he accept and accomplish this huge task.

A mighty ruler became small before God. How can I learn to listen with my heart? By aligning myself with God, reading His Word, and telling Him what is bothering me, what depresses me, what makes me happy, and what I am grateful for.

In short, by cultivating a relationship with Him.

Then I will be able to distinguish more and more between what helps me and what hinders me. This will also influence my relationship with my fellow human beings.

I also want to have a listening and discerning heart toward my fellow human beings—even those who may not be my cup of tea, who are not on my wavelength—so I can show them appreciation, compassion, and love, just like Jesus, our Example.

Only God is able to do this, and I pray He will do this for you and for me.

Dagmar Dorn

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