The word love is used in so many ways.
We may say, “Oh, I just love Roma’s pizza,” or “I love this book!” We use the word love loosely much of the time. In the Greek language, there are three primary words used to describe love: phileō—affection, especially between friends or family members eros—love between spouses agapaō—selfless love, especially God’s love for us Most of us have been blessed to experience each of these three loves. Growing up, I believed my parents were very restrictive. I was raised in a loving Christian home, but at times, I felt my parents were too controlling.
After raising my three sons with my late husband, I realize how very fortunate I was to have been adopted into a loving Christian home with loving parents who tried to raise me with four siblings on the “straight and narrow way.” I believe I have experienced fewer bumps and bruises in my journey because of my parents’ love and guidance.
I realize now I should have trusted them more to know what was best for me. Do trust and love go together? I believe they do. If someone loves you, you can trust that that person wants what’s good for you—just as Jesus does, just as He wanted what was good for Adam and Eve. We learn from our first parents that God is a God of love and He knows what is best for us. If we trust God and obey His Word, we can be happy in this sin-filled world.
He gave us the Ten Commandments and His Word to show us how to live.
He has given us the book of nature.
We have the Holy Spirit and our guardian angels to help us on this journey.
Ellen G. White, in her inspired books, gives us healthy principles to live by that increase our happiness and the quality of our life.
God wants us to remember we are created in His image and our bodies are temples where He can dwell. God wants us to be happy and live long lives as a living testimony of His character. He wants us to follow the tried-and-true road map through life and to share what we know with others. Our God is an awesome God! Let us remember to serve Him with renewed vigor, trusting His love and following His leading!
Gyl Moon Bateman