
God Is for You

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“The LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.” —Numbers 6:26, NIV

As I drove home, an oncoming car’s high beams blinded me, and the “friendly” brief flash I gave had no effect on the other driver. In a moment of frustration, I switched my high beams on and left them on as the offending car passed.

That tiny, insignificant moment was quick, but the ensuing conversation in my head continued. A thought had flashed just as quickly, There! That will show them! Then another thought—a Holy-Spirit-prodding thought—followed close behind.

It is the small things that reveal your true character.

Ouch! Painful truth! So often I find it easy to look like Christ’s disciple, and yet, the small things that nobody sees are very telling in regard to my spiritual growth, areas of need, and my position toward God. As I contemplated my instantaneous reaction, I was tempted to take on a familiar stance of shame that comes with expecting condemnation, rejection, and abandonment from God every time I am less than. Is this a familiar position for you too? This exact place is where God bends low and whispers to us. “My daughter, I know what it is like to walk through life. My Son did that, remember? Let me remind you of My position toward you! ‘I am for you, and I will turn to you’ [Ezekiel 36:9, NASB].” God does not turn away from us in disgust when we encounter areas of need in our character. Our heavenly Father has done everything to draw us into a relationship with Him, and He is not going to turn away from us. Ever.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV; emphasis added). I would like to be able to say the only place I am less than perfect is in my car when faced with blinding lights. But that would be a lie.

Every day, in a million ways, my fleeting thoughts and silent desires reveal I am a work in progress. Satan is along for the ride as well—likely crowing in delight each time I stumble.

The only way to combat the slow eroding of hope is to daily run into our Abba’s embrace and listen to the truth He speaks over us! Drink in His words of encouragement! Pray out His promises! Friends, no matter what you have said or done—or thought—God wants you to know He is turned toward you, for He Himself has said, “I will never leave you; I will never run away from you” (Hebrews 13:5, ERV).

Tina Shorey

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