
New Every Morning

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They [the LORD’s compassions] are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” —Lamentations 3:23, 24, NIV

Yesterday, I received a parcel in the mail containing next year’s devotional book for women. I have received an author’s copy of these books for the last thirty years. This beautiful book, New Every Morning, was written by women from around the world, sharing what God means to them and inviting others to start their day with thoughts of Him.

Some stories tell of pain, others of joy, but all invite us to turn to Jesus, our best Friend, in every situation. He knows and understands what life is like for us because He lived on Earth and had close contact with many women. Through His loving and respectful attitude toward women, Jesus showed the society of His time that its treatment of women was not what God had intended when He created Ish and Isha—man and woman—in His image.

As Jesus saw their problems and had compassion, so He sees women today. He sees what we struggle with and invites us to let Him carry our burdens each day. As I look at the long row of women’s devotional books in my bookcase, I realize that life has changed a lot in the last thirty years. Events have come and gone, my children have grown, and situations are different. Some of the things I wrote about in the earliest books do not even exist anymore. But one thing has not changed: God is still there, taking care of us.

Jesus is still our Friend in whom we can trust.

He has not changed. And every morning He is there, waiting for us to start our day with Him, offering us encouragement and counsel for all our problems, though sometimes He asks us to wait until we understand what He is saying to us.

During His time on Earth, He recognized the pain that sin had caused the women He encountered, and He knows that we need His loving support as God’s daughters today. He still sees in us the image of God in which He created us. He wants to help us reflect this image so others can see it as well. The Lord is our portion; therefore, let us wait for Him.

And as we ask and wait, He will transform our lives.

Hannele Ottschofski

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